Dr. Christoph Lenz
Am Mühlberg 23
D-09600 Oberschöna
+49 37321 / 877 450
+49 37321 / 877 449
Law Office
Dr. Christoph Lenz is practicing in Intellectual Property law since his admittance to the Bar in February 1996. If you are looking for a German lawyer you will benefit from the in-depth experience of ip-lenz in litigation as well as in prosecution. Dr. Lenz has high reputation in litigating intellectual property rights, namely in litigating patents, utility models, trademarks and design rights. Dr. Lenz’ prosecution business covers application and opposition proceedings in front of the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) and the Office for Harmonization of the Internal (European) Market (OHIM). Also in this respect you will benefit from Dr. Lenz’ litigation experience because when applying for intellectual property rights it is of highest importance to be able to foresee the tactical steps your competitors may take and how to defend your intellectual property rights in court. The idea behind is not to collect as many documents as possible but to optimize the client´s legal position in the European market.
Focussed on the European market Dr. Lenz is your addressee if you wish to protect your own or your client´s intellectual property in Europe.
After fifteen years of professional experience in German and in international law firms in 2012 Dr.Christoph Lenz has come to the conclusion to better be able to represent his clients` interests with his own law office ip-lenz. My guarantee to you: Each individual case is considered and handled by myself. You will not find Dr.Lenz attending numerous conferences around the world, but you will always find Dr.Christoph Lenz working at his desk or in court.
ip-lenz is a small but highly specialized German law firm without any unnecessary representation and administration costs. Therefore, ip-lenz is able to offer you competitive prices. Good legal advice naturally has its price, but: quality and engagement make the difference.