Dr. Christoph Lenz
Am Mühlberg 23
D-09600 Oberschöna
+49 37321 / 877 450
+49 37321 / 877 449
Patent Law
Legal Protection of patents and utility models of all kind of technology
The legal protection of patents and utility models of all kind of technology is part of the core-competence of Dr. Lenz. Dr. Lenz is experienced in international cross border litigation and its strategic requirements. For according to German patent law there is no discovery like in the U.S., German patent litigation does not require a big team of patent litigators. Regularly, one qualified German patent litigator is absolutely sufficient and helps to minimize legal costs. German law knows patent attorneys who may be involved in legal patent infringement proceedings as so to say bi-assed technical experts. But this is not a requirement by law. If your company by its patent department or your law firm is able to provide ip-lenz with the technical data of relevance in your case, no additional technical support from outside will be needed. Based on numerous patent infringement proceedings in various technologies the technical experience of ip-lenz is extremely broad: Dr. Lenz has litigated inventions of industrial printing technology as well as mechanical and electronic devices, medical and orthopaedic products and apparatus, products of the car supplier industry as well as mobile telecommunication technology and many others. In international context German patent litigation is both quick and of high quality with well-known international reputation. In Duesseldorf where more than five hundred patent infringement cases are handled per year and in first instance, only, the legal proceedings in each of the two instances regularly take fifteen to eighteen months. Technical expert opinion regularly is not required. A successful German judgement both covers the most important economy in the European Union and may be referred to in parallel or subsequent legal proceedings in other jurisdictions. If your company or your client is going to launch a new product in the European market a freedom-to-operate-opinion may be helpful to identify legal risks and if given show alternative modifications which can be considered not to infringe third parties´ ip-rights.